Business Setup Companies in UAE

    Tech and Innovation Platform Showcases Industrial Advances

The Technology and Innovation Platform (TIP), which is an activity keep running by the Ministry of Economy and the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Abu Dhabi, partook of late in Hannover Messe International Industrial Exhibition 2018 which was closed yesterday. The TIP’s corner incorporated a few bodies that are worried about the improvement of the advancement framework, these were: The Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, the Higher Corporation for Specialized Economic Zones (ZonesCorp), the United Arab Emirates University, Abu Dhabi Police, private division organizations, people and understudies.

Amid the occasion various key gatherings were held with the business hatcheries of the new businesses in different fields, most strikingly the business hatchery that works in wellbeing innovation in Germany. In these gatherings the members talked about the conceivable methods for participation between the hatcheries frameworks and how to exploit the present understanding and practices of the hatchery in Germany, and in addition the plans to set up new hatcheries in the United Arab Emirates that work in a similar zone to help the nation’s push to make a learning based economy.

Through the TIP stage, the taking part bodies met with the Research, Innovation and Technology Authority, the Research and Development Platform and Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania, a northern European nation. In the gathering members traded encounters and presented their innovation and advancement pioneers stages. They likewise examined common participation and the utilization of research systems and research colleges cooperatively to accomplish brings about the execution of innovation so as to build up the ebb and flow innovation framework and connection it to whatever is left of the world.

Likewise through the TIP stage Takamul Program partook in numerous exercises that attention on supporting innovation and advancement. Architect Faisal Al Hammoudi, Director of the Innovation and Incubators Department at the DED, gave an introduction at the Technology Implementation Forum which was sorted out on the sidelines of the Exhibition. In the introduction, Engineer Al Hammoudi clarified the work system that the Program offers, regardless of whether it is the enrollment of licenses, the usage of innovation or the help of new businesses, and tended to the most conspicuous developments that are enlisted in the Program.

Then again, His Excellency Suhail Al Mazrou’I, the Minister of Energy and Industry, went to the TIP’s corner joined by His Excellency Ali Al Ahmad, the UAE Ambassador to Germany, and various senior state authorities. Amid the visit, Mr. Salem Bin Shabib, Innovation and Incubators Consultant at the DED, clarified the work instrument and administrations that are offered by the TIP to help innovation and innovators in the UAE. Notwithstanding that, understudies of the UAE University displayed their creations.

Those accountable for the TIP’s corner in Hannover Messe 2018 likewise went by the stage of one of the taking an interest German universal organizations which spends significant time in lasers. The point of the visit was to talk about methods for participation in the field of innovative work and to offer help for the logical examinations, particularly the rising logical trials, keeping in mind the end goal to test its prosperity and the likelihood of handing them into fruitful connected models over the state.

Also, Takamul group went to one of the Dutch organizations that spends significant time in satellite “nanotechnology” to talk about the likelihood of exchanging learning and collaborate with the hatcheries and new companies that work in the space field. Notwithstanding that, the group likewise met with Statista Company in its central command in Hamburg where the two sides talked about participation in the field of innovation assessment considers, and in addition the arrangement of measurable investigations in the field of innovation and contrast the same and the current market.

Mr. Khalfan Al Suwaidi, Director of the International Patent Registration Office at the Ministry of Economy, said that the investment in Hannover Messe this year fortifies correspondence between the Center’s tasks and its real yields, i.e. the creators and the licenses related with their innovations, and also the specialized and mechanical points of interest that are identified with such developments and how they are evaluated and enrolled.

On his part, Mr. Salem Abdalla Bin Shabib, Innovation and Incubators Consultants, said that the interest of the Innovation System, spoke to by the TIP and its supporting accomplices, is viewed as a key advance toward exploiting the exchange and execution of innovation in the focused on parts in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Such exertion assumes a noteworthy part in aiding the focused on divisions move to information based economy.

Dr. Asma’ Ibrahim Al Manna’I, Director of the Healthcare Quality Department at the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, stated: “The Department of Health – Abu Dhabi takes part in Hannover Messe as a feature of the Technology and Innovation Platform in view of its enthusiasm for the most recent advancements in innovation and the major logical developments in the field of wellbeing. Information increased through such investment will enable the Department to build the nature of its therapeutic administrations and empower the execution of the most recent medicinal advances in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi”.

Through its interest in the 2018 Hannover Messe, the TIP sorted out a few visits for the creators and the understudies of the UAE University in a joint effort with Deutsche Messe to acquaint them with key exhibitors and allow them to gain from their experience.

Notwithstanding that, the UAE University’s understudies visited around the different corners of the Exhibition where they went by the Dutch corner which included more than 40 innovators, 4 colleges and 20 new companies, and found out about the open doors that understudies in the Netherlands have. The corner highlighted more than 200 exhibitors who represent considerable authority in robot making, for example, Coca, Franca Emica, Yasakawi and Yamaha.

As a feature of its astuteness to assess the designers and trend-setters that took an interest in its corner at Hannover Messe, the TIP directed a review to find out about their suppositions, comments and thoughts with respect to the Exhibition and to gauge the accomplishment of such support. The partaking designers and trend-setters communicated their satisfaction to participate in the occasion and called attention to that it helped them secure new information and experience, find out about the most recent creations and innovation and how they are connected in the business division. They likewise expressed gratitude toward the Ministry of Energy and Industry and the DED for allowing them to grandstand their creations and helping them initiate their part in building an information based economy.

In the occasion, Engineer and Inventor Maryam Muslim, an undertaking supervisor in the DED’s Innovation and Incubators Sector, was chosen as one of the 15 top candidates in the Engineer Women Power Program.