In line with the economic initiatives packages, launched by the Abu Dhabi government, to support the private sector during the current COVID-19 impacts.
The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development announces a 20% rental rebate for all companies who are licensed within the following activities: Restaurants, Entertainment, and Tourism (except Hotels). Activities list of Companies who can avail 20% Rental Rebate.
Eligible Licenses:
Licenses with one of the attached activities list, and Tawtheeq contract as per the following:
New contracts, which issued between 01/10/2019 and 31/03/2020 or Renewed Contracts, Which will be renewed between 01/04/2020 sand 30/09/2020. Rebate after contract renewal.
Rebate will be to the official bank account, not to the personal accounts.
For more inquiries, please contact: