Tue 14-06-2023 22:55 PM

Author : Fatmat El Zahraa

CICPA RENAMED TO NGPD: What Does This Mean for Businesses?

The Critical Infrastructure & Coastal Protection Authority (CICPA) has been renamed to the National Guard Permits Division (NGPD) in 2023. The change comes as part of a wider reorganization of the CICPA, which is now under the direct control of the UAE National Guard.

What is NGPD Pass (CICPA Pass)?

An NGPD pass (CICPA Pass), also known as a National Guard Permits Division pass, is a security clearance permit issued to protect Abu Dhabi’s infrastructure and national resources. It is required for employees who work in critical infrastructure sectors such as oil and gas, power, water, telecommunications, and transportation. The pass also allows employees to access restricted areas such as ports, airports, and other sensitive sites.

To apply for an NGPD pass (CICPA Pass), employees must complete an application form and provide personal information such as their name, date of birth, passport number, and Emirates ID number. They must also provide information about their employer and the critical infrastructure sector in which they work. The application process can take several weeks, so it is important to apply well in advance of the date that the pass is needed.

NGPD passes (CICPA Pass) are valid for as per the LOA or Contract and must be renewed before the expiry. To renew a pass, employees must complete a renewal form and provide updated personal information. They must also provide a letter from their employer stating that they are still employed in a critical infrastructure sector.

NGPD passes (CICPA Pass) are an important security measure that helps to protect Abu Dhabi’s infrastructure and national resources. By requiring employees to have a pass, the NGPD can ensure that only authorized personnel have access to critical areas. This helps to prevent unauthorized access and to protect Abu Dhabi from potential security threats.

Here are some of the benefits of having an NGPD pass (CICPA Pass):

  • It allows you to access restricted areas such as ports, airports, and other sensitive sites.
  • It helps to prevent unauthorized access to critical infrastructure.
  • It can help to protect you from potential security threats.

If you are an employee who works in a critical infrastructure sector, you should apply for an NGPD pass (CICPA Pass). The pass will help to keep you safe and to protect Abu Dhabi’s infrastructure.

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